10 Kunci Sukses Stanley

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Menurut Riset Stanley berikut ini adalah 10 faktor teratas yang akan mempengaruhi *KESUKSESAN* :

1. Kejujuran (Being honest with all People)
2. Disiplin keras (Being well-disciplined)
3. Mudah bergaul (Getting along with People)
4. Dukungan pendamping (Having a supportive spouse)
5. Kerja keras (Working harder than most people)
6. Kecintaan pada yang di kerjakan (Loving my career/business)
7. Kepemimpinan (Having strong Leadership qualities)
8. Kepribadian kompetitif (Having a very competitive spirit/Personality)
9. Hidup teratur (Being very well-Organized)
10. Kemampuan menjual Ide (Having an ability to sell my Ideas/Products)